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Sunday, February 28, 2010

CNY Post

all about CNY post ` enjoy :)


well , 1st day of CNY ! who don't get happy , uh ?
woke up at the early in the morning and started to prepare everything .
after that , we went to grandma's house [dad's side] for eating breakfast
*this is what we always did in 1st day if CNY*

every year we will wait all the cousins , aunts & uncle .
but too bad that my dad wanted to open his shop , plus his shop not enough people work .
so we have to work with him without any salary , kay well ! .__.

I was so damn angry about that cause I haven't even met my lovely cousins & I have to go ?
what the hack is that la wei ? finee ! I slowly ate my breakfast which is purposely :]
I did that because I want to meet my lovely cousins :P

so yea , 3rd uncle came ! sushii came too , I was so damn freaking happy about that !
and slowly , 2nd uncle came too ! ah hou came too ! omggg :D
I was like super hyper happy but then too bad , I have to go work ad !

hell that , before I went to work , I asked my 2nd aunt to help me talk to my mom that I wanted follow sushii they all go chiong k ! :D
but then my 2nd aunt said she cant help me .__.

blahh , so on the way we were going to dad's shop ` mom's phone was ringing !
and yea , my 3rd aunt helped me !! gossshh !
thanks lots , actually is my 2nd aunt told them that I wanted to follow them go chiong k but then I have to work , so don't have this chance !

muakaka , then everyone was like " oh ya ! still got vooon !!!! "
hahaha , then 3rd aunt called to my mom that give me a chance go sing k with cousins
well , I know this not the 1st time but 2nd times ! lmao !

so , waited my 3rd uncle infront a school door which is Kong Hoe .
said bye bye to work and also sis , mom & dad ! :D
went back to grandma's house and everyone was there except nick and his family .__.

woohoo ! everyone said welcome back to me , and I was so damn freaking happy about that !
err , cause ... something :P
*house thing cant say , pai seh :P*
then sms with my valentine partner as usual :)

talked , played , fooled with beloved cousins lots !
guess what ? we only do this once in 1 year ! aww >.<
however , I was super hyper high that time and no one can even make me down :P

then called to neway & greenbox asked for the price of the day .
and yea , we decided to go Neway for our chiong k :P
waited 4th uncle came back and he fetched us go Neway .

thanks uncles and aunts lots , and for sure thanks my lovely cousins too !
I appreciate it lots , I will remember what you guys did to me ` I LOVE YOU GUYS !
while waiting 4th came , all the teenagers aka my lovely cousins was inside 姑姑's room S.S

haha , then I saw my 1st sis who already married .
woohoo , it seem that everyone ran her there and want ang pau !
cause they will give double , errr 1st year of the lou gong lou po is like that de , right ?

LOL ! 1st sis told me that she's not going to give me in grandma's house .
eww , fine ! ahahha , still waited for 4th uncle la :P
around 1.50pm , he fetched us to Neway .

2pm started chiong , started crazy , started siao , started shout and everything !
oh ya , there was Sushii , Ah fui , Ah hou , nick , jia yi & I !
6 of us , teenagers ! err actually still got one more de , but then I don't know why he don't follow us .

he don't follow us since we was young ?
arhh never mind bahs , haha !
sang until 5pm and 4th uncle fetched us back to grandma's house had dinner :P

actually we all can sing until 7pm !
but then , I don't know why they all go away .
so , err , just followed lu .__.

anyway had fun with my lovely cousin in the 1st day of CNY even thought I'm single .
arrh , stop . I have valentine partner la !
HAHAHA ! thanks for being my partner , I appreciate lots too <3 thanks you guys :)


2nd day of CNY .
nothing much , went to dad's shop and help my dad .
oh ya ! and the most important thing is ,


Nick Wong Hong Jun

dai gor zai jor luu , you sang sang seng seng .
mm you zoi bei lei lou mou dam sam lei luu :D
oh ya , anyway read in cantonese .__. haha

and and and you're my best cousin ever , I love you :D


Goshh !! I waited for day long long time ago !
woke up early in the morning and went to dad's shop !
and I'm keep in exciting that when I will only reach JOY AKA MY MOMMY HOUSE !

well , 2pm dad fetched me to wiind's house !
and waited for don't know what thing , anyway s.s inside wiind's room with wiind ! :D
oh ya , did I mention that she's my honey aka my sister ?! <3

L0L ! anyway around 3 or 4pm went to wei ming's house to fetched him .
we said meet at playground there waited for him but then don't know where he went ad ._.
he said he already reached but then we don't saw him , maybe he at another playground ?

haha ! we went to walked around and see whether he is around there or not .
but then , don't have .__.
then we back to the playground that 1st we went , saw dou him

not sure is him cause his behind look like ah pek ?
HAHAHAH ! sorry wei ming :P
then we shouted " wei ming ! wei ming ! " and he turned back .

haha , then he walked to the car there !
kao eh , he sweat lots seriously ! pity him nya :P
then all the way back to wiind's house and silent :x

reached wiind's house played games ?
err played not more than 5 minutes ? hahahaha !
then went to downstair watched movie .

watched 娱乐百分百 , had fun when watching the movie ! :D
wiind and wei ming , you know what I'm saying right ?
oh ya , the xiao gui , freaking cute and lenqzaii :P

around 6pm , went to Joleen's house to fetch her .
then we only went to Joy's house :]
played there but then I don't gamble there *cause forgot to bring money go*

hahaha , then looked at them gambled and this and that .
at last we played 'K' games , freaking funn ! omg :D
I started to like that games seriously :P

oh ya , I had all the videos of that 'K' games , quite funny .
enjoyed when I play the 'K' games , fuuuunn :P
around 9pm back home already , haiz !

and and and not to forgetting is ,


Wong Zhi Hao

you're my best cousin too , I love you for sure :D


stayed at home and not doing anything except playing comp ?
haha ! nothing else can say also .
oh ya , I didn't even study for the exam coming , lol !

who will study during CNY ?
indians ? malays ? hahaha !
sure won't be Chinese :P

woke up early in the morning and started preparing to out .
well , we went to visit my grandma [mom's side] and brought her to eat bak kut teh .
we were in bukit tinggi , A.T bak kut teh that restaurant ate bak kut teh :D

it was tasty for sure .
and guess what ? the boss of the restaurant is my sis's friend's dad open geh .
wow , quiet suprice about that uh .

after bak kut teh , went to aeon for shopping ?
errr I followed my sisters and separate with my mom and grandma .
mom and grandma went to market for buying don't know what thing .

sis and I went to shop around the shops :)
didn't buy anything cause I don't feel like buying thing , lmao !
after aeon , fetched grandma back and we back home .

back home , bathed and everything except for study :P
I don't study during this holidays , seriously .


wooot , I like this day so damn much <3
1st slept over the time and I forgot to ask my parents that whether I can go Joleen's house or not .

well , continue sleeping .
around 10.30am only woke up and sis told me that faster go and prepare cause simon coming
coming for what ? coming to fetched us out >.<

whatever , after everything then simon came and fetched me to dad's shop .
reached there keep on see lenqzaii only , hahaha !
then around 6pm mom fetched me to Old Jj there for shopping ?

blah blah blah , around 7pm mom only fetched me to Joleen's house !
omg , I waited for this time ad very very very very long liao leh :P
when I walked in the house , strangers lots !

hahaha , then I was the only person who kept on quiet and doing nothing .
in the house I only know wiind , ah sheng , wei ming & Joleen !
lmao , then Ah keat called me and said that later around 10pm want to fetched me go out .

out with his friends and blah blah blah .
L0L ! but then I rejected him , hahaaha !
sorry ah keat , again o.O

didn't gamble at there also even though I brought money !
hahaha , cause I scared I will lose money la , haha :P
looked at them gambled again , fun ! :D

anyway know met new friends there .
err , arhoi and the what jun .__.
after 1 hour , kelly , blue and yumiko came too .

1st time meet them , wooot :)
yumiko damn tall la omg , blue so lenqluii , kelly cam-whore with me :P
then everyone was back home except arhoi and I .

and for sure , we still got Joleen ! <3 <3 <3
lots of love to her wei , muakaka :D
chit chat - ed there with two of them .

and for sure played with them :)
around 11pm parents came , then I only back home .
said bye bye to Joleen and Arhoii .

seriously , very bu she de Joleen , I don't know why !
feel funny with that if I think it back why I bu she de her !
lmao , laugh sei me :P


decided to go Sg.Wang and T.S with nick , andrew , alex and cousins .
but then cousins didn't go except nick , so I'm the only one who is girl !
haha , at last called nick that I don't want to go already .

very sorry alex and nick that I ffk you guys , again .
errr I think I'd ffk you guys more than 5 times ?
hahahaha ! seriously , sorry ! :'(

so stayed at home doing nothing again .
didn't even touch my books also , oh ya.
I should says I forgot where my school bag put ? lmao :P


I though michael said he want to my house , then I said I'm not free on that day .
but then , actually he called me go his house at Sunday cause they have to pray the god ?
haha , as what hokkien always says ' bai ti kong ' lmao !!!

arrhhh too bad that I didn't go michael's house la wei .
his dad gave 50bucks ang pau for EACH !
wtf ? yeaaa wtf ! so damn much la wei , iish >.<

anyway also stayed at home doing nothing and not going to study .
feel lazy to study , oh yea , I should says I don't know what to exam .
I mean the subjects , haha !


when I going back home from joleen's house .

babes ! :D

Kelly & I [take one]

Kelly & I [take two]

Kelly & I [take three]

peoples ! <3

arhoii [take one]

arhoii [take two]

sister and I

Joy , Siewvoon & April <3

Mommy & Luiiluii .

wiind aka my honey aka my sister <3

at wiind's house :D

wiind and I <3

at Wiind's room :]

working time ...

trying to do lala's pose but failed >.<

at grandma [dad's side] house :)

姑姑 & I

me @ centro

sushii & I

Ah fuii & I

Jia Yi & I

Nick : ehh , later what time come fetch us ? *take one*

take two ! :D

Neway <3

ah han & I

Zhi hui & I

Ah hou , Siewvoon , Zhi xin

nick and I

look at behind ! so sweet nya ! :P

Last day of school :]

early in the morning siewvoon was at school's canteen taking pictures :)

wai yen's blur face :P

look ! how romantic my school's canteen uh ? hahahaha !

wow , my class is having one mario ! how cool ! : D

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