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Friday, August 20, 2010

Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain ♥

Let's me Rocks Your Life

Yesterday was too lazy to update my blog , so yea going to blog about yesterday right now .
so , went to school yesterday , but less people went to school la .
the whole 4 Beta students didn't came except for 3 or 4 of them .

chio sangat , haha ! :D
so , I did skipped class to drew that what National Day's thing .
kay , it was so damn freaking bored painting a big big picture .

but what else to do if I don't paint that ?
I have to go back class and study you know ? :P
that's why I continued painting -__-

break time that time didn't went to canteen for my break .
too busy with that National Day's stuff already :'(
I have no time to see someone , sigh !

after that . Yinli bought HL milk & nuggets for me , teehe :D
thanks weii

then continued drawing National Day's stuff ;P

after break was Chinese period , double periods some more :|
1st period was discuss the textbook homework thing .
2nd period we asked teacher whether can go and do National Day's stuff or not.

and of course , she let us la ;)
was talking , crapping , fooling , playing there when doing National Day's stuff .
but still bored la , hahah !

keep on do do do , do until like 1pm .
stopped work and went to hall for 'makan-makan'
gah , someone not going :|

so , waiyen , Lulu & I went there and eat & chat .
before we enter the hall , we supposed to lined up like everyone .
but I don't know why , three of us were really special .

don't need to line up , which mean cut line !
HAHAHAH ! Alvin asked me to do so , cause he is the one who jaga that door de .
he let us go in to the hall without lining up :P

thanks Alvin eh , hahaha ! :D
if we need to line up , I think we already waste 10 minutes time on lining up .
LOOOOL ! went in to the hall and saw lots of peoples maaan .

going to fainted , hahahaha :D
so , buy thing to eat and drinks .
saw Kian Hong there , and chatted with him awhile and sat down ate ;)

after that , 1.40pm should go back to class and study .
the waiyen & lulu damn sampat eh , go and picked the balloons :s
my gosh , how old already huh ? hahhha :P

but when the way they picked up those balloons was so damn freaking funny maaan !
I Cant tahan and laugh out loud ! LOOOL !
btw I still got RM 5 coupons , so I gave it to alvin .

I don't know where to use the coupons already .
was so damn freaking full eh , haha :D
so , went to class as usual .

we cant do the National Day's stuff cause teacher don't allow us to do .
so , stayed in class and copied what teacher asked us to do .
wai yen don't even dare to enter the class cause she took 2 balloons !

hahha , at last she still entered the class .
Aaron laugh like shit only , hahahah !
and yea , our monitor who is Phang Rong Jin also took a balloons .

gosh , I cant imagine that form 3 student still want to play balloons :S
after the Geography period went to do that National Day's stuff again .
painting painting and painting , I did miss someone :)

so yea , painted until after school .
went to find someone but I couldn't find her out :(
I thought she went back home already , so I gave up to find .

then went to office to paid my school fees & took back my phone.
and guess what ? someone was in the library which nearby the Office which I went !
damn it :| I don't even know that she was in the library after she told me yesterday night .

never mind then . after paid my school fees , went to packed my thing .
then went to down stair because teacher wanted to closed the Laboratory already .
so , went to down stair rest awhile then kian hong fetch wai yen & I to A&W for lunch .

haha , thanks kian hong .
around 4.30 went back to school by kian hong's car .
ouch , something bad happen on us .

gah , sorry kian hong !
make you kena scolded from someone useless .
hope you don't get angry of that , im really sorry about that :(

hope you can forgive me yea :)
smile smile smile :) hahhha .
around 5.15pm , mom came and fetched me .

went to metropollians waited for my sis after school .
slept in car , cause I was too tired ! idk why :|
went back home , sleep awhile only went for bathed .

and then get ready for tuition , waited driver came and fetched me .
tuition was okay , not that bored , not that fun .
hahah , after tuition driver fetched me back home and I started online .

told dad that Im not going to school on today [Friday]
yes , due to my lazyness , haha ! :D
so didn't went to school today and slept until 1.45pm

I know I quite ' pig ' :D
but I was too tired la , haha .
and now , chatting , listening to some musics , loading movie , facebook and etc .

night going to tuition again , gosssh ! >.<
anyway have to stop here already .
off to study my science , wish me luck maaan ! :s

Loves , Siew Voon .

Don't make me worry about you kay , take care of your eyes ♥

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