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Saturday, August 14, 2010

When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. ♥

Oh no , it's been so long that I never update my blog already :x
I know , my blog is kinda dead , ain't it ? :P
lots of people asked me to update , but due to my Trials exam , so I didn't :)

Last week was my 1st Trial exam , and guess what ?
all the papers were damn fucking hard yea !
especially is Maths & Science , I'm ready to get 20% for my result .

1st day of the trial were BM subject & Geography .
and guess what ? I failed my Geography :'(
still got another 5 question and I can pass my Geography la .

sigh , I will do better when the 2nd trial which is on next next week :')
and BM ? I've prepare to fail like shit , cause some reason .
have to see the teacher let me pass or not , I know she hate me !

and yea , maybe she will give me a damn fucking low mark for my 1st trial ?
but too bad , I don't give a damn to fucking care about her .
as long as she is not marking my PMR examination papers :')

by the way , 2nd day of trial were English & Science .
English was okay , but I don't think I will give A's in English .
better don't fail my English too , haha : D

Science paper 2 I copied some of the answer from Aaron ;)
felt surprising that he knew the answer yea ? :P
hope the answer he gave me is correct one , lol .

so , the 3rd day of trial were Maths & History .
yes , I died on that day you know ? :P
both of the subjects I don't even know how to do man !

Maths paper 1 simply do one and yet , same as paper 2 :P
I leave 7 blanks questions for my paper 2 , gosh >.<
and yea , there already lost 30 marks , wow !O_O

and yea , as usual I failed my History .
I got 25% while wai yen & Aaron got 23% for their History .
quite proud of that yea ? LOL !

wanted to take the picture of our result .
but then we forgot , and at last we lost the paper !
hahahah , so don't need to take already :|

find one day , we have to take a pictures of our result like 0% :P
oh yea , and the last day of trial were Chinese & K.H
Chinese were okay for me , hope can pass wei :D

don't hope to get A's cause I know who am I , my Chinese not that good enough to score an A :')
by the way , when the 3rd day of trial , Cheng Ning fell down during exam time .
and guess what ? he was so damn pro man !

he can even made the whole hall people to laugh at him ! ROFLMAO !
even those who were sleeping also woke up and laugh at him .
one of the example was me , haha !

I don't know how he fell , but I only know that when I looked at his face , I felt like want to laugh out loud man !
I know I'm bad enough , but I cant control to stopped laughing at him la .
I'm sorry , Cheng Ning if I hurt you , ROFLMAO !
I didn't mean it , hahahahahah ! :D

oh yea , beside that I have to tell some one that who damn curios about my relationship .
yes , I'm in relationship and you asked me why with that person and not you ?!
ROFLMAO ! I think you have to make it clear yea ? :)

from the begin still the end , I never like you before .
you said I sms you ? I'm sorry , I was just replied your message as a manners .
you said you thought I love you ? I'm sorry , its just a ' thought ' not real .

you said why don't I choose you ? oh yea this is quite a funny question ?
the only reason I don't choose you because I don't even have a feeling on you .
I know it's kinda hurt you if I says that , but I have to .

I cant let you misunderstanding again , you & I are impossible ;)
as what I always says ' impossbile - I'M possible ' , I don't think it can really use on both of us .
I think you should give me up faster , its hurt if I still don't accept you .

and not to forget , I wont accept you . ;)
we cant to be a couple but we still are friends right ? :P
I hope so .____.

anyway , sorry for hurting you .
I doesn't mean it , sorry .
you knows , everyone in life is gonna hurt you , you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain . ;)

do you understand about that ? I think you understand .
heehee xD
anyway , I still treat you like my friend , do you ? :)

- - - - - -

There is no doubt on you , for sure .
between us , we must have a trust words :)
and yea , I trusted you , do you ?

Now , you are the only one that I really like .
I cant swear that I will love you forever ,
but I can swear that I really do love you now ;)

I know its hard to make you believe that I only like ,
but no worries , I will prove it as soon as possible .

I Love Junike too :D

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