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aявeaя ‎

Sunday, March 21, 2010

you wil never ever know the feeling .

Peekaboo , oh no today is already last day of holidays !
damn it , I don't want to go to school la .
GRR ! oh yea , todaa decided to go chiong k with friends .

but who know my childish mom did something which is fucking childish , and yea I cant go ad .
diu , damn angry with that la !
cant you grow , mom ! love you ? yea I will , wait the day I die 1st !

and yea , I will never care of what you had told me this morning .
cause you know I wont be that stupid listen at what you talked crap !
a parent forget your birthday and they asked you to go tuition ! what you will feel ?

yea , maybe I'm sensitive of this but then mom , you not only did this to me .
still have lots , you're so damn freak unfair !
its sis's fault but you didn't even know who's fault and you just scolded me ?

yea , I know you hate me but you don't have to scold me like that .
I wonder that am I your daughter ? or I'm just take from somewhere else ?
huh ? sis want to out to anywhere and without your permission also can but me ?

you don't have to talk crap in front of me , or maybe talking shit ?!
I respect you lots but do you ? no you don't and that's why I don't respect you too !
you started to being like this to me since I was standard 4 !

and yea , remember what you had told me two days ago ?
"oh yea ? your birthday ? coming soon ? I maybe have meeting on that day , or you go tuition la"
what tuition ? what meeting ?

is meeting is important than your youngest daughter , I wong siew voon ?!
kay fine , meeting is important for you !
I'm not important for you and you just treat me as your maid and not your youngest daughter !

fine , when you need me and you will only treat me lil bit better than a maid but not daughter , yet !
kay , since you treat me that ` I wont treat like my mom again .

I don't know why you keep on 难为 me .
what for that you being that to me ? did you get anything of that ?
will you happy for being that ? maybe you will ? who knows ?

I don't think I can stay in this house until I ..... like after 17 years old ?
after 17 , I don't think I will still being now keep on in the house .
I don't want to face those family , I mean people in this house .

do you know what's stress ?
yea maybe you don't know cause you're the person who always giving me stress !
what PMR ? what again ? PMR ?! so what ?

is that really important for me ? and yea no need cause of PMR this silly reason and argue with me.
I wonder why is result that important for my life ?
why must be result 1st ? result , is nothing for my life kay ?

if result is really important for our life , let's look at my 2nd sis !
so ? get straight A's or whatever A's in PMR , SPM and yea now , what she's doing ?
after may , she graduate already ! and yea what work she is going to do ?

office work ? ha ! funny ass , even she go there work also dad help her !
office work , can get how much salary ? RM 5000 ? RM 4000 ?
or its too much salary to get it from office work ? PIF !

just a office work for her life ? ha !
this is what result important for us ? office work until the day we die ?!
its quite funny right ! how you study , how you work you will also DIE !

and yea , try to say about my 1st sis !
she even failed in her PMR , and just ngam ngam pass her SPM or failed ?
what she's doing now ? being a music teacher which salary is higher than office work !

see , she don't even fucking study and she get the salary which higher than office work !
and yea , she don't even study , I think ?
secondary time , you and dad kept going to her school cause her principal want to see you guys.

so what ? and now what she get ? a higher than office work's salary .
so mom , study is just a nothing you know ?
don't keep on force to me study and these and that , cause you know ANNOYING !

you know I same as 1st sis , we don't like to study !
but at least I'm better than her that I no need parents go to school looking for principal .__.
she like music & I like to dance . you let her to continue her music but why you cant let me to continue my dance ?

sigh of that , whatever I want , you just don't allow me !
why you want to being that ? happy to you right ?
but too bad , I don't find it where is the happy point for you .

and yea , after die , what did you get ? NOTHING !
yea , you get nothing after you die so what for when you're still alive force yourself so much ?
I would like to enjoy my life but not to study this and that .

people who only know how to study , work and these and that and none relax are stupid !
they don't even know how to enjoy their nice life which god gave them .
yes , maybe work for them is enjoy but me ? I'm not same yea mom !

I'm not same as three of my sister , your three good daughter .
understand ? stop forcing , giving my stress and these and that to me just for the RESULT !
result is nothing to me .

and yea , why cant you just give me freedom ?
hanging out with friends is that hard for you to allow me ?
oh ya , don't you feel that you're freaking WEIRD !?

you will allow me to out with subang's friends but must 6pm back home .
and you wont ask me out with who when I out with subang's friends .
you will allow me to out with Klang's friends but can late abit back home .

but before I going out with Klang's friends , you will keep on ask me who I outing with .
and these and that , but why you do this ? whyyyy ?
of course , don't ever look down Klang's people , I hate the way you talk with my Klang's friends .

so what if they come from Klang ?
there's no wrong right ? why do you look down them ?
is it happy when you look down them and you unpolite to them ?!

for your mind , you think of Klang's people is cheap , lala's
but hello ? all of your daughter is from Klang .
yeaa maybe you will not looking down your daughter cause every of your daughter is study at subang .

but then , weird also right ?
you think that Subang's friends is nice , 高贵 . so what ?!
and not to forget to telling you is subang people is most 狡猾.

mom , I just hope that you don't want to force me and giving stress to me .
and also give me more freedom , I don't even care what PMR thing .
I hate it you know ? maybe you still cant understand me . sigh !

Loves ,
Siewvoon .

I've nothing to say about that already , 心痰.

End .

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