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Friday, April 30, 2010

I wanted you ♥

Hello world :)
today was Friday and I've nothing to do in school & House .
even though its relax but I'm still bored :|

aww , fine then .
lets talk about school today !
L0L ! if you feel you're bored to view my blog , don't view then :)

as usual , arrived school around 7.30am and sat with friends .
I was extremely quiet there and I don't know why .
I didn't say any single word you know ?

maybe not in mood cause of the thing ?
whatever , hope its nothing happen :D
err around 7.50am bell rang & its time to go basketball court lined up .

today no need pull my socks high like shit & know why ?
cause I wear long pants & yea today had PJK .
after that went back class for study again .

went to class and don't know which fellow said go down to basketball court again .
damn diu wei , then I went to Gamma class looked for Manyee , Juliana , Rachel etc .
after awhile Hoe Luen came and told me that went to basketball court .

went there and took basketball team photos and looked at boys were playing basketball after we finish our photos .
and yea , I'm freaking hyper short wei !

before taking photos , Yinli & Jak Hao was beside me .
Jesper , Hoe Luen , Aaron , Keneedy & etc were behind me !
and yea guess what ? everyone is the same height except me ! .__.

I shorter than them like .. 1 head ?!
haha , never mind ` keep telling myself that I will grow taller soon .
but too bad , its so fake & not going to happen , haha !

after all these went back to class and stayed at class do Geography homework :)
before that I went to 1 Gamma borrowed books from Jen Sin's brother .
after that had PJK , went to measure wai yen's height .

then break time , went to canteen and bought food .
while I was buying food and wai yen G.O.N.E !?
haha , never mind then .

went to sat with my lovely gang <3
chatted and talked lots , was back to normal mood . haha !
after break time had English period .

but then wai yen , Aaron , Michael , Mun ket & I went to workshop for our K.H project .
which mean we skipped class :P
after English was BM & Science !

we skipped class too , hahaha ! :D
we have Mr.Kenny's permit one la kay .
was enjoy when doing K.H project [kerja kayu]

until the last period which is CCA , went to our clubs and society .
we met Mr.Kenny again ! and yea , the whole day I faced Mr.Kenny !
lol , chii yau came our school today .

after he came , wai yen & I went out from the class and lepak with chii yau .
1pm , after school already and I Straight back home because I had a dentist appointment at 2.30pm at Klang .

after the appointment back home and online .
the way I was going back home , I re-read all the message that what hmph sent to me .
it was so sweet and yea , I just can memories it .

not to hope together again because we don't belongs to each other .
how sad and bad is that ? sigh :(
GEE , blah blah blah don't think that again , hee hee :]

back to topic :P
err , back home and straight online and chit chatted with friends : )
until night mom fetch sis and I out to eat dinner with dad .

as usual , eat rice la :P
then back home again and now I'm web-hopping ! :D
I'm gonna to buy lots of shirts , woooot .

so damn excited of that wei !
and I'm still waiting my Spongebob's bag .
I bought it for like .. 1 week ago ? hahah

need to wait 1 month like that , what the ..
haha never mind , as long as I will get it soon :P
lalala , kay la ciao guys ` I have nothing to write already .

Loves , Siewvoon .

I Love My Mr.Rich aka Junike ♥

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