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Friday, May 28, 2010

Appreciate .

Hello peeps : )
just make sure that my blog is not a dead blog yea .
I've nothing to blog about right now

it's holidays for today which is Wesak Day .
decided to go Puchong to meet Rachel , Waiyen , Alethia & Yinli there for basketball training .
but I didn't go cause my parent don't allow me to go .

they said " last Friday you told me that after Kuen Cheng's canteen day , its the last day out in May "
gosh , never thought that they will remember it , stupid :|
and yea , stay at house doing nothing again , Pif .

after May which mean June , I have lots of plan to go somewhere else .
don't know whether my parent allow me or not .
plus PMR is coming soon .__.

I have to earn money from now on for September .
if I have enough money , I will do something to you ` my best friend :)
you know who you are , right ? :P

it need lots of money to do that but I try my best to do .
if this year I cant , next year sure I can :)
I promised you & Imma not gonna to break the promise :)

you spent lots of money on me as you know how much its .
I think its more than 300 bucks right ? :)
I'm so sorry on that , feel so pai seh about that wei .

I appreciate lots our friendship , hope you do it so .
3 years already , never argue before .
how surprise when you hear that siew voon never argue with a friend like 3 years ?!

blah blah blah , haha !
anyway nowadays quite close with my tuition friends .
my brothers , bwahaha :)

they are super friendly for sure , and not to forget is same as me ` playful .
haha ! we don't feel shame when we do everything that its very malu .
cause we enjoy , and we never care about it .

I feel so damn excited when I going to tuition .
I cant wait to see my friends and play and even fool with them .
they don't even care that whether your smart in study or stupid in study .

they only care that whether you're their friends or not .
they use the real heart to be friends with you , they really mean it .
they can even cheer you up when you're so damn freaking down .

thanks friends , I appreciate it lots .
it makes me to think back about when I was in primary time .
you guys attitude is totally same as my primary friends ! :)

you guys can really make me smile for all the time , thanks lots !
that's why I so damn appreciate our friendship .
IF one day , we really argue or separate to two groups , it's such a waste .

I try to not making those shitty thing happen .
cause its always a F.R.I.E.N.D.S between us .
I'll not gonna to let those shitty thing happen :)

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I know it's the truth , but I'm sorry about that .
I choose to quit the game , I'm so effing tired of that .
not I don't want to face the truth , it's I don't even have the DARE ! :(

truth is always cruel , and full of hurts .
how I'm going to face those stupid holy cruel shit thing with myself ?
I know I'm not a responsible person , I knew .

maybe after I left , it will be better ?
or maybe we all are doing the same mistakes ?
if yes , because we don't learn from mistakes .

it's time to wake up , xxx !
don't think that you be this way and things will be good soon .
don't think that way please , we are not kids !

I don't know why 4 of us will become like this but , seriously ` quit it .
just leave the thing there and don't make it big .
its not good for four of us , do you understand ?

money ? never mind I know all of you guys have LOTS !
even though I'm poor , I wont mind the what stupid money and you know its freaking hurts .
I can even throw the money to sea and I rather choose friendship .

love ? are you sure you're gonna to be with the guys forever ?
pif , don't dream it please ! loves is always not forever except for TRUE love .
you guys are just a puppy love , why should you guys argue with that and now related others people ?

friendship ? you guys appreciate it before ?
after the friendship is over and you guys only appreciate it ?
pif , appreciate what you have now kay ! not after the thing is gone and you're going to appreciate it .

if you really treat us as a friend , you wont lie !
as you know I hate liars the most , and why should you lied on me ?
lie , lie , lie ! how many lies you want to tell us ? cant you be straight to us ?!

why must lie ? is lie a good thing for us ?
or you think that we are 3 years old kid and we are dumb .
and keep giving you to lie , hello ? IM 15 THIS YEAR ! IM NOT A NERD ! \./

its too late that you want the things back .
once its gone , and it will never fucking come back .
do you guys understand ?! no , I don't think you guys will .

so damn disappointed on you guys , I don't know why we all will become like this .
but its the truth , what we had done , and I'm gonna to say , ITS OVER !
and before our friendship is over , I wanted to tell you guys , wake up .

don't just because all these shitty thing and makes us argue for all the times .
money , love & friendship . my answer is always friendship .
and you guys .... ? think proper before you do a wrong thing , please !

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feel like going to somewhere and relax myself .
go to a place which is can relax , play & enjoy , can I ?
how good if I could meet a angel !

sing k ? dance ? shout ? sleep ? drink beer ?
as you guys know , when I'm moody I will do all these thing .
but now , I wont .

I try to chill myself and forget all the things .
but , I failed .
things can always be forgive but never can forget .

now , just hope that everything is gonna to be fine soon .
I don't want any stupid arguement is between my friendship .
I don't want to have enemy in my life , cause I hate .

FML ! \./

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