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Monday, August 16, 2010

Love is not who you can see yourself with , it is who you can't see yourself without. ♥

"I'm with the partyrock crew , All drinks are free ."*shots*


Hello peoples ! I'm here to blogging again ;D
Today is Monday and of course , I went to school as usual :)
went to school and played the whole day .

well , arrived school around 7.30 am and saw Rachel was going to canteen too .
sat down and talked with her about what she had done on her weekends -__-
and yea , gossip something too :)

was waiting someone to come , but she didn't
I thought she didn't come for school , hah !
but then when we knows that today don't have assembly but have to go to basketball court , I saw her .

stupid enough , guess what ? :P
I cut my nails , and hell yea .
prefects didn't check on it , GOSH ! my nails >.<

and now my nails are damn freaking short eh ! :'(
fine fine fine , thought Wai Yen never come to school too , but at last she came .
went to canteen took my bags before I went to class .

bwahaha , I likey Chocolate ♥ !
thanks for your chocolate eh ♥
and actually it was assembly but it was replaced by BM period ! O_O

guess what ? didn't know that I will passed my BM !
54% , ROFLMAO ! ngam ngam passed the 4 marks .
eh , at least I tried my best and I passed right ? :P *don't laugh even though its a low marks*

I shocked after I took my BM result , its unbelievable you know ? :P
happy like hell only , I passed my BM ;D
1st time passed my BM in this year ' 2010 .

after BM was Science , oh no hell :'(
got a damn freaking bad result on my Science , god damn it :|
failed , but I hope tomorrow when teacher discuss the question with us , I hope I can get mroe than 30 marks :|

obviously that how many marks I get right ? :P
never mind la , its just a 1st trial , I still have 2nd & 3rd trials right ?
I will pay more attention when teacher is teaching & get a better result than this .

at least give me pass ? hah !
God bless me please , teehee .
after Science was History O_O and guess what ?

I feel that my class which is 3 Beta are so damn cooperate you know ? : P
in this class , we have 17 students and yeaa guess what ?
all of us get F for our History except one malay girl :S

its so nice you know ? all F ! F F F F F F F F F F
the malay girl got C for her History , not shock already la :\
she should be cooperate with us too , get F ! :D

all of a sudden , I feel proud of my lovely class , 3 Beta ♥
however , 3 Beta are always the best , Beta rocks the whole school :P
we should take a picture of our History result la , but too bad .

most of us papers gone ! ROFLMAO !
after History class we had recess time .
bought HL and 2 nuggets for my break , quite full for me .

chit-chat with friends and blah blah blah .
after 20 minutes , bell rang and it was time to back class again .
get my sweet milo and back to class & continue make noise in class :P

it was a free period , so teacher let us do anything we want .
so Wai Yen and I chit chat as usual .
talked lots , gossip lots , laugh lots , high lots .

had Chinese class after this .
I got B for my Chinese , iish !!
why la not A ? fine fine fine .

discuss the exam paper while talking and fooling around with friends .
nothing special to say about it also .
so , after Chinese class had moral , teacher didn't come ` free period again !

talked talked talked , except talking , I don't know what to do man !
then had BM again !
teacher didn't teach , so TALKED AGAIN !

gosh , I'm going to die man , keep on talk talk talk !
btw , play some stuff with Wai Yen too .
stuff which is quite childish but we found some fun too :D

it was really fun at the first , but played more and felt its a bored game -___-
sat down and looked at my essays and also wai yen's essay .
at last still decided to talked with wai yen ! :D

once the bell rang , wai yen & I straight stood up and went for lunch !
hahah , damn hungry wei you know ? :P
btw I skipped my remedial class eh , act like I don't know got remedial class .

fooling , eating , playing , talking , laughing , suan siao - ing and everything in canteen .
with wai yen , Yinli , heidi , liyen , siow & ian !
quite siao la with them , hahah ! :D

and yea , stupid enough .
played in the half way , Mrs.Tan came and talked with us which I don't even know what she was talking .
because I keep on tried to hided on her due to my colour lens O_O

after she walked away , we started again .
Siow took out Liyen's shoes and put to another table .
I went to another table and wanted to throw away Liyen's shoes .

but Mrs.Tan saw me , shit ! I put it back and act like giving back the shoes to Liyen .
I know it was fake but then the only thing I have to do is act >.<
fine , she came again and I hide on her AGAIN !

like playing hide and seek with her man !
after that she walked away again , and start playing AGAIN !
lol ` last , bell rang and back to class .

it was maths ! and GOSH !
my result get F again ! ROFLMAO !
its look like my form 1 result you know ? everything is in F !

Fucked up only , HAHAH !
after Maths period gave my papers to Yinli and heidi have a look .
Heidi laugh non-stop eh , so bad :P

then I back to class again cause it was English period .
and also I wanted to know that how many marks I get in English .
so , damn shitty , I got B on my English >.<

never mind , I tried my best already .
haha , stupid la me , keep telling myself that " never mind siew voon , at least you tried your best "
but actually I didn't even try my best wei ! hahah !

blah blah blah , had Geography after English which is also last period .
went to 4B to take back my maths papers and I really forget where I put my maths exam papers !
Heidi & Yinli wrote something inside , hahah !

Geography , damn it man .
5 questions more to pass my Geography .
never mind , its okay . I tried my best *actually N.O.T !*

hahahah , so after that and it was after school .
mom came early to my school to fetched me , so I go back home early :|
after mom fetched me , went to Metropollitian which replaced by New Inti to fetched my 3rd sis .

then back home , online , chit-chatting , listen to songs , and bathed .
and now I'm waiting for my driver come and fetch me to tuition ;)
cant wait to go tuition man , I can get high there .

hahah ! kay la , I have nothing to blog about .
ciao guys :P
Loves , Siew Voon .

大孩子舆小孩子的9天 。♥